Christmas Sugar ~ Melanie Moreland Read online

Page 8

  I could tell how guilty she felt over the lack of funds. “I’m sure it will be. In the meantime, to be honest, I find it endearing. She is adorable.”

  “You’re very good with her.”

  I shrugged, somewhat self-conscious. “I shouldn’t be,” I admitted. “I have no experience with children.”

  “You are with Seth as well. You talk to him like a man. He needs that influence.” She sighed. “I can’t give him that, and George is too tired most of the time.”

  “Your father?” I asked, leaving the words hanging in the air.

  “My parents were killed when I was eighteen.”

  I felt my chest tighten. She’d suffered so much loss.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Her voice was quiet. “It’s difficult at times. George and Eric were my family. Eric died before Noelle was born, so she never knew him. George tells her stories about him, but it’s more than she can really understand.”

  “Of course.”

  “I try to be enough for them both. Sometimes, I’m not sure I’m doing a very good job. Especially for Seth.”

  Reaching over, I clasped her hand. “Hey.”

  She looked up, her eyes sad in the dim light.

  “You give him everything he needs. He is . . . they are both lucky to have you. I can see it clearly in them. You are more than enough.”

  “I try.”

  “You do it well.” I caressed her hand I was still holding. “But who looks after you, Alex?”

  It was her turn to shrug. “I’m fine.”

  I slid closer, draping my arm along the back of the sofa, running my fingers through her hair. “Of course you’re fine. You’re strong, independent, and amazing. But you still need to be looked after on occasion.”

  She shrugged. “There’s no one to do that. I can’t hope for it either. Who is going to want a single mother of two kids?” She paused, her lips trembling. “I’m not even sure where we’ll be this time next year. I have nothing to offer anyone. Just my kids. So I can’t rely on anyone else since they only have me to take care of them.”

  The urge to tell her she could rely on me was strong, but I held my tongue. Instead, I drew my finger down her cheek, the supple skin warm under my touch. “I think you have a lot to offer someone, Alex.”

  Our gazes locked, and like every other time we were alone, my body responded. The air around us bubbled with the heat I could feel, and before I knew what I was doing, she was in my arms. I pulled her onto my lap, and my mouth was on hers, kissing her deeply, losing myself in her softness. Threading my fingers into her thick hair, I tugged gently, exposing her neck. I trailed my tongue along the smooth skin, tugging on her earlobe. “God, baby, I want you.”

  She whimpered, and I covered her mouth again, kissing her with everything I had. I held her tight, sliding my hands under her loose sweatshirt, touching the supple, delicate skin of her back. I traced the ridges of her spine, groaning when I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Reaching around, I cupped her breasts and stroked her tight nipples. The grip she had on me increased, and she made the most erotic sound I had ever heard, a breathless, moaning pant low in her throat. I pulled her down, letting her feel the effect she was having. My hard cock pushed against the material of my pants, feeling the heat of her so close.

  We both wanted it.

  A noise startled us, and Alex pulled away, panting. She scrambled off my lap, hurrying to Noelle’s room. With a groan, I dropped my head into my hands. I was acting like an animal. If we hadn’t been interrupted, I would have taken Alex right there on the sofa. The place she sat every night with her children.

  I stood and paced. When Alex returned, I smiled at her, even as I saw the fact that her walls had gone back up. The interruption had broken the moment.

  “I should go.”

  She bit her lip, appearing as though she was going to say something, but then she nodded. “I can’t . . .” Her voice trailed off, her hand gesturing down the hall.

  “I understand.”

  I walked to the door, turning with my hand on the knob. “Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a very long time. I loved spending it with you and the kids. Dinner was delicious.” I paused, lowering my voice. “And although I didn’t get to finish dessert, it was the highlight.”

  Her cheeks blazed with color, and with a chuckle, I ran my knuckles over the hot flesh, still filled with desire for her. “Nothing on earth is as sweet as the taste of you, Alex. I’m afraid you’ve spoiled me for anything else.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “My children, Dylan, they have to come first. I’m their mother. The only one they have.”

  “And you’re a woman. A beautiful, sexy woman who has been alone too long.” I held up my hand as she started to protest. “I know we have two different lives, but right now we’re together.” I exhaled. “If you want to explore it further, you know where I am.”

  I dropped a gentle kiss to her head, then another to her sweet mouth.

  Then I headed back to my room, feeling more alone than I had ever felt in my life.

  I TOSSED BACK A LONG swallow of the Courvoisier in my glass as I stood by the window, looking into the vast expanse in front of me. I had pushed the hideous drapes wide open and watched the snow as it swirled by, settling on the already laden branches of the massive trees that encircled the inn. Idly, I wondered how many we’d lose with construction. I’d have to make sure it was as few as possible. They were too beautiful to destroy.


  Like Alex.

  I rubbed my bare chest, trying to push away the strange ache that had taken up residence there since I’d walked away from Alex earlier. All it took was the thought of her mouth moving with mine and how she felt melded into my chest to make my desire flare once more.

  I wanted her.

  I wanted her naked and writhing beneath me. I wanted to taste her everywhere, to feel her skin pressed tight to mine, to know how it felt to be held within her wet heat. I wanted to hear those low sounds she made, to watch as she shattered in my arms, and to know I brought her that much pleasure.

  I wanted it all, and yet, I knew why I couldn’t have it.

  Alex didn’t do casual. I didn’t do relationships. She lived here; I lived in Toronto with a lifestyle she couldn’t even comprehend. I glanced down at the Courvoisier I was drinking with a grimace. The most expensive cognac served in the cheapest tumbler made. It was our two lives captured in liquid and glass. One that was decadent and opulent, while the other so simple yet vital.

  She hated the big city and never wanted to live there again, she had said. It was all I knew. It was all I would ever know since my business was there. My responsibilities were all there.

  Alex took her responsibilities just as seriously. She would never jeopardize her life here in Pinegrove or her children’s comfort for her own satisfaction. She would always put being a mother ahead of being a woman, or being simply Alex, first. Casual sex wasn’t part of her plan.

  It was all I knew.

  I drained my glass and reached for the bottle, adding another generous amount. I stared out the window once more, for the first time realizing the profound silence that surrounded me. The wind continued to blow outside, but it was calmer. Inside the inn was still, only the occasional creak of wood or errant squeak could be heard. I shook my head in wonder. The city was so full of noise all the time, even at night; quiet was a rare gift.

  An odd noise caught my ear and grew closer. It was the discreet pad of footsteps coming down the hall. Glancing at the clock, I saw it had been an hour since I left Alex’s, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Noelle was coming for a visit. She seemed to be a bit of a night owl.

  Nothing shocked me more than when I heard the low click of the lock, and Alex stepped into the room. My startled gaze met her anxious glance in the dim light as she shut and locked the door behind her, stepping forward, stopping several feet from me. She placed a monitor on the table—I knew if Noelle stirred,
Alex would be back down the hall before she was fully awake.

  But for now, for as long as it could be, she was there. With me.

  Dressed in a long, pale blue robe, with her hair tumbling over her shoulders, she was nervous—and beyond beautiful. Her fingers played with the sash on her robe as we stared at each other. Her gaze left mine, drifting over my torso, then lower. Her swift intake of air as she saw my physical reaction to her caused my lips to curl into a lazy smile. She liked what she saw.

  So did I.

  Wordlessly, I held out my glass, thinking she needed a little liquid courage. She took the glass, sipping at the brandy delicately, then handed it back. I held her gaze as I tossed back the remainder and set down the glass on the table. I cleared my throat.

  “Are you certain?”

  “I think so.”

  “You have to be certain, Alex. I want you. I want you so much I’m aching for you. But it’s only now—not forever.”

  “I know,” she whispered, breathless. “I want you too.”

  “Protection. I need . . .”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  “And you trust me?”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

  I maintained our gaze. “I’ll ask you again. Are you certain?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, with a quick tug, her robe opened, slipping off her shoulders, pooling at her feet in a puddle of silvery blue.

  It was my turn to inhale sharply.

  She was exquisite. Small but curvy, wide hips and supple breasts, all waiting for my attention. Her skin glowed in the moonlight, her hair like a dark cloud against the pale of her complexion. Smiling at her, I yanked on the cord of my sleep pants, pushing them off my hips so we were both naked.

  Naked, panting with desire, and so close.

  But not close enough.

  In one step, she was crushed against me. My mouth was on hers, my tongue claiming and possessive, the same way I wanted my body to possess her. Bending, I scooped her into my arms, carrying her to the bed, covering her with my torso. The sounds I loved were already escaping her lips. Soft sighs, that low, breathless moan in her throat that turned me on as I explored her; all made me groan in return. Her touch, so caring and light as it drifted over my skin, moved up to tug on my hair, keeping me close as we discovered each other, and was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

  Everything about her was a mystery, a treasure I wanted more with each passing moment. Her silky skin, fragrant neck, sensitive lobes—I explored them all. I loved the way she reacted to my gentle bites to the juncture of her neck, my mouth on her nipples, my fingers stroking her where I wanted her the most. The pleasure of her exploration of me was intense. Her mouth, her seeking tongue, and nimble fingers caused long shivers to run down my spine and low curses to fall from my lips.

  Hovering over her, I tenderly brushed the curls from her damp skin and met her lustful gaze. With my eyes, I asked her again, her barely there nod answering everything I needed to hear. Slipping my hands under her hips, I buried myself inside her, gasping her name as I stilled.

  She wrapped her legs around me, drawing me in. “Dylan,” she moaned, arching her back.


  I started to move, building our rhythm. Long, slow thrusts. Our mouths kissed, our hands stroked and caressed, and our bodies fused together as if they were meant to be joined. Two halves of a whole finding each other. Over and again, I thrust—I couldn’t get deep enough. I couldn’t taste enough of her—get my fill of her sweetness. I wanted her mouth melded to my lips, her tongue stroking mine, her body surrendering totally to me.

  I wanted to claim her.

  Alex’s arms kept me close, her breath warm puffs of air across my skin and in my mouth. Her throaty sighs and soft mews spurred me on. I moved inside her powerfully, using my body to possess the one part of her I could have. How right we felt moving together wrecked me. When she pressed her head into the pillow, her neck straining as she succumbed, my name was a low, pleading gasp that fell from her sweet lips. I buried my head in her hair, breathing her in as my orgasm raced through me. Bright sparks of light exploded behind my eyes as I moaned her name, spilling into her, sated for the moment.

  Keeping her close, I rolled, wrapping her up in my arms. The room was silent except for our breathing and the muted snuffling sounds I could hear from the monitor. Finally, I lifted up on one elbow, smiling down at Alex as I brushed the damp curls away from her face.

  “Why?” I whispered, not wanting to disturb the stillness. “What made you change your mind?”

  Lifting her hand, she idly traced my jaw. “I wanted . . .” She hesitated.

  “Wanted what?” I asked. Whatever she wanted, I would give it to her.

  “I wanted to be Alex again. Even if it was only for a night. Not Noelle’s mother, Seth’s guardian, or the woman behind the desk. You”—she paused, swallowing before she spoke again—“you make me feel things, Dylan. Desired, wanted . . . needed. Things I haven’t felt for so very long. Years.” Her eyes shut, and when she opened them again, they were damp. “Long before Noelle was born. I wanted to feel like a woman again.”

  “You are that. First and foremost. A beautiful, desirable woman.”

  She smiled dejectedly. “No, I’m a mom, a guardian, a coworker, and a daughter-in-law. You’re the first person to see something else in a very long time. And as selfish as it is, I wanted to feel it again.”

  I shook my head. She had no concept of the word selfish.

  “Were things . . . not good in your marriage?”

  “Eric was a wonderful man. But we were better friends than husband and wife.”


  “She was a bit of a surprise to us. But a welcome one.” She hastened to add. “We were trying to stay on track.” She sighed heavily. “And then the accident happened.”

  “And you couldn’t leave.”

  “George needed me too much. He’d already lost Eric. I couldn’t leave him too.”

  “You put everyone first.”

  “I don’t know how to do anything else.”

  I gathered her close. “I don’t want you to lose yourself. You’re . . . too special, Alex.”

  Her reply was so quiet I almost didn’t hear her.

  “I think I already did.”

  Alex drifted and I held her, liking how she felt nestled to my chest. She was obviously a light sleeper since every time Noelle shuffled or muttered in her sleep Alex sat up, ready to leave. Each time, I drew her back, until it was well past midnight.

  “I should go.”

  “Stay,” I urged, not wanting to lose her quite yet. “You sleep for a while, and I’ll listen. If she wakes up, I’ll get you.”

  She blinked up at me, suddenly shy. “If I stay, maybe I don’t want to sleep.”

  Smirking, I crossed my arms behind my head. “However will we pass the time, then?”

  My eyes widened as Alex flung her leg across my thighs, straddling me. Her fingers wandered down my chest, lazily swirling over my abs and back up, teasing my nipples.

  “I’m sure, if we think hard enough, Dylan, we can come up with something,” she murmured, shifting and sliding over my rapidly swelling cock.

  I grabbed her waist, holding her in place. “You feel so good, baby.” I arched my hips, hitting her right where she wanted me. “You like that? Huh? Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  “Say it, Alex. Tell me what you want.”

  She leaned closer, her hands pressing on my sternum. Her hair fell forward, surrounding us with its silky texture, the ends tickling my skin. “You, Dylan. I want you to fuck me.”

  Then, without another word, she sank down, engulfing me in her heat. Cursing, I moved my hands to her hips, holding her tightly as I matched her rhythm.

  “Feels like you’re doing the fucking, Alex,” I ground out between clenched teeth, wondering why hearing her say fuck turned me on so much.

  “You like
that? Huh?” she groaned, throwing my words back at me.

  “Yes. Fuck yes, baby. Take me.”

  And she did. She flung back her head, gripping my wrists as she rolled her hips, moving like a wave over me. Her breasts jutted out, and her long tresses brushed against my legs as she moved, beautiful in her passion. We surged and ebbed until I felt the stirrings of my orgasm taking over.

  “Come for me, baby.” I strained up, needing to be as deep inside her as I could. “Come for me now.”

  She shattered, a long, low hiss escaping her lips as I shook and cursed, emptying myself inside her. She fell forward, collapsing onto my chest, panting. Tenderly, I moved her legs and pulled the blanket over her, holding her tight.

  “Sleep for a while.”


  And she was out.

  When I woke up, she was gone. The room was still dark, and it almost felt like a dream, except her fragrance lingered in the bed and my body could still feel hers. Groaning, I reached down, fisting my hardening cock. More than anything, I wanted her back beside me, to be in her warmth. Slowly, I stroked myself, then cursed. It wasn’t my hand I wanted. It was her.

  I rolled out of bed, squinting at the old alarm clock. It was only just past five. But I knew I wouldn’t fall back asleep—I never did once I was awake. I decided I’d get up and do some work. I knew Alex would rise early whether the inn was open or not. She’d have coffee on soon, and maybe I’d get the chance to make out with her in the kitchen before the kids were awake.

  I stepped into the shower, the clouds of steam swirling around me. I leaned my arm on the tiles, resting my head against my forearm, still hard and throbbing with desire. Once again, I took my cock in my hand, stroking fast. I moaned her name, startling when arms came around my waist.

  “Really, Dylan?” she murmured against my back. “I left you alone for fifteen minutes.”

  I turned and dragged her into my arms. “Fifteen minutes too fucking long,” I hissed, capturing her lips. I kissed her passionately, my tongue possessing her mouth. Bending slightly, I grabbed behind her knees, lifting her up and spinning, pressing her against the shower enclosure. Her legs wrapped around my hips, my cock settling into her as if it belonged there. I dropped wet, openmouthed kisses to her throat, and pulled hard on her earlobe. “Now, Alex, it’s my turn to fuck you.”